Display Homes & Villages In Queensland
Discover the full range of Simonds homes across Queensland, where you can explore every detail, finish, and option in person at our display centres. With various home designs showcased throughout Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, and Gold Coast, each visit offers a tangible experience of Simonds’s commitment to quality and innovation. Our New Home Consultants are on-site at every location, ready to assist with any questions, offer advice, and guide you through the myriad of options available for your new Simonds home.

Cardwell 29
Previously the Ascari 29
12 Litchfield Street, Yarrabilba

Durack 36
20 Pandora Street, Spring Mountain

Headland 43
10 Parkway Circuit, Worongary

Hervey 23
18 Pandora Street, Spring Mountain

Hinterland 58
10 Parkway Circuit, Worongary

Jervis 25
22 Pandora Street, Spring Mountain

Jervis 25
Previously the Merton 26
10 Litchfield Street, Yarrabilba

Riverway 26
Previously the Camden 26
19 Foley Way, White Rock

Shaw 22
Previously the Leyton 21
58 Hart Crescent, Bells Creek

Travertine 31
Previously the Batavia 31
56 Hart Crescent, Bells Creek

Wattleseed 24
3 Providence Street, Flagstone

Wattleseed 24
Previously the Carnaby 24
21 Foley Way, White Rock

Wilson 26
5 Providence Street, Flagstone